Although I hadn't really thought about it before reading this quote, I realized its truth when I relate it to my work. There are definite stages of kindness, destruction and creation associated with what I do.
I love working with pretty vintage clothes...pieces that have had a full life and brought joy to the wearer. I like to imagine the party they were purchased for, the summer vacation where they were excitedly packed in the suitcase, or maybe a job interview when the owner decided to make a change in her life.
When I start a project, I feel a sense of responsibility (oftentimes fear) in making those first cuts. *Snip snip.* There's no going back. *Stitch stitch.* Things begin to change quickly, and *smile smile.* in no time, the fear has disappeared, replaced with a warm humming glow. It is that creative buzz that draws me into the studio every day.
I have been the recipient of somany random acts of kindness in the form of raw materials for my redesigns. Dresses, lingerie, fabric, textiles, ribbons, family heirlooms..and I am overwhelmed and awed by the kindness of others.
I'm thankful to becktress, Cat Bishop, Cathy, cheves, ChicaFlamenca, corvidkid, cuestaray, gaiasrose, graygoosie, Ilene, Jessica, joulestar, Karen, ldpaulson, Linda, Manitoba Museum of Art Finds, papernest , Penny, queenbeequilter, secret lentil, somanyideas, St. Blaize, Tanis Alexis, treasureup, vaisto, whitestonestitchery, zoo gal,(and others who my memory fails to recall), all the clothing swap participants and the hundreds of people who donate their things to the thrift stores instead of throwing them out. You all have provided me with a wonderful array of raw materials to work with. And the joy this brings to me is hard to put into words.
Pictured: Three redesigns from dresses becktress sent me. I am thankful that she had the "before" photos in her photostream so I was able to document this. I always forget to take pictures of what I start with.
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