Well I hope you don't find this recent project to be too "it's all about me" but I seriously needed help. Do you have days that you look into your closet and say "I have nothing to wear" or "I see these clothes but I don't have the brain power today to figure out an interesting outfit."? Well, that's a common experience with me, lately.
Last year I joined a flickr group called "Wardrobe Remix" where members post pictures of their outfits. The idea is to "remix" items in your closet in new and creative ways. Well, I thought it was a fun idea and the days that I decided to post pictures, I really spent time putting things together. It was also fun to look at everyone else's outfits for inspiration.
As a result of being involved in that group, I amassed an embarrassing large portfolio of photos of me wearing my clothes. So....the other day after having one of those mornings of feeling no love for what I saw inside my closet, I had an idea. I went to my flickr site and created a set of photos of my favorite outfits. From that set, I was able to design a mosaic of images and a 16" x 20" poster from a website called Big Huge Labs.
I got the poster in the mail a couple of days ago and hung it on my closet wall. It's such a help to look up and see some ideas for combining garments. Even though I rarely where the same combinations, it provides a nice jumping off point to get started.
very nice and inspiring, thanks.