Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A few more minutes in the closet

I was so inspired by browsing the Advanced Style blog last night.  This young guy Ari Seth Cohen, meanders through NYC looking for older men and women with great personal style and takes pictures of them. He's kind of like The Sartorialist but with a very special focus. And I do mean special.  He has captured the joie de vivre of a wonderful and eclectic group of New Yorkers.  Most of them are over 70 years old and they all have discovered their own distinctive style. There's a lot of wisdom there.

I used to participate in a flickr photo group called Wardrobe  Remix where you upload pictures of yourself and describe your outfits. When I was involved with it I spent more time thinking about what I was wearing and found getting dressed to be yet another creative experience and a nice way to start the day. So today, after being inspired by the likes of Ellen ChristineLina Plioplyte, and Bridget Sojourner, I decided to take a few more minutes in the closet.

After reviewing my wardrobe shots on flickr, I think I can describe my look as eclectic layers. I rarely wear the same clothes together in the same way yet I know how easy it is to fall into a fashion rut.

Here's a little slideshow of my favorite outfits.

I hope I can encourage all of you to discover the joy of "getting dressed" and share pictures of your favorite outfits in the comments column.


  1. LOVE the slideshow!! Inspiring me to funk it up a bit!

  2. Thanks, Kim. I was inspired the night before...so I know how you feel. :)


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